# 2020年06月技术日常
# 2020/06/30 周二
# 为什么有效的URI不能包含空格等其他字符,URI编码方法详解
# 为什么有效的URI不能包含空格等其他字符?
在《HTTP权威指南》第2章URL与资源 - 各种令人头疼的字符(p38)里有介绍原因:
- 可以通过任意协议进行安全的传输:完整/不丢失信息,以SMTP电子邮件的简单邮件传输协议为例,它使用的传输方法会剥去一些特定字符,为了避开这些问题,URL只能使用一些相对较小的、通用的安全字母表中的字符。
- URL具有可读性:即使是看不见,不可打印的字符也能在URL中使用,比如空格
- 完整性:人们可能会希望URL中可以包含除通用安全字母表之外的二进制数据或字符,因此需要一种转义机制,能够将不安全的字符编码转为安全字符再进行传输
# js中两种URI编码方法的区别
// encodeURI vs encodeURIComponent
// encodeURI() differs from encodeURIComponent() as follows:
var set1 = ";,/?:@&=+$#"; // Reserved Characters
var set2 = "-_.!~*'()"; // Unreserved Marks
var set3 = "ABC abc 123"; // Alphanumeric Characters + Space [ˌælfənjuːˈmerɪk] 字母数字 + 空格
console.log(encodeURI(set1)); // ;,/?:@&=+$#
console.log(encodeURI(set2)); // -_.!~*'()
console.log(encodeURI(set3)); // ABC%20abc%20123 (the space gets encoded as %20)
console.log(encodeURIComponent(set1)); // %3B%2C%2F%3F%3A%40%26%3D%2B%24%23
console.log(encodeURIComponent(set2)); // -_.!~*'()
console.log(encodeURIComponent(set3)); // ABC%20abc%20123 (the space gets encoded as %20)
字符类型(中) | 字符类型(英) | 包含 | encodeURI | encodeURIComponent |
URI保留字符 | Reserved Characters | ";,/?😡&=+$#" | 不转义 | 转义(escaped) |
非转义字符 | Unreserved Marks or Alphanumeric Characters | "-_.!~*'()"以及数字(0-9)、字母(a-zA-Z) | 不转义 | 不转义 |
空格等其他字符/中文等 | space or other character etc | " 中文?"等其他字符 | 转义 | 转义 |
- encodeURI不会编码URI保留字符/非转义字符,只会对空格等其他字符(如中文字符,中文等)进行编码
- encodeURIComponent不会编码非转义字符,URI保留字符和其他字符都会编码
# 标准
下面来看看ECMA262标准/规范(specification)对encodeURI()的定义(definition) encodeURI ( uri )
The encodeURI function computes a new version of a UTF-16 encoded (6.1.4) URI in which each instance of certain code points is replaced by one, two, three, or four escape sequences representing the UTF-8 encoding of the code points.
The encodeURI function is the %encodeURI% intrinsic object. When the encodeURI function is called with one argument uri, the following steps are taken:
1. Let uriString be ? ToString(uri).
2. Let unescapedURISet be a String containing one instance of each code unit valid in uriReserved and uriUnescaped
plus "#".
3. Return ? Encode(uriString, unescapedURISet).
The code point # is not encoded to an escape sequence even though it is not a reserved or unescaped URI code point.
Runtime Semantics: Encode(string, unescapedSet)
The abstract operation Encode takes arguments string (a String) and unescapedSet (a String). It performs URI encoding and escaping. It performs the following steps when called:
1. Let strLen be the number of code units in string.
2. Let R be the empty String.
3. Let k be 0.
4. Repeat,
a. If k equals strLen, return R.
b. Let C be the code unit at index k within string.
c. If C is in unescapedSet, then
i. Set k to k + 1.
ii. Set R to the string-concatenation of the previous value of R and C.
d. Else,
i. Let cp be ! CodePointAt(string, k).
ii. If cp.[[IsUnpairedSurrogate]] is true, throw a URIError exception.
iii. Set k to k + cp.[[CodeUnitCount]].
iv. Let Octets be the List of octets resulting by applying the UTF-8 transformation to cp.[[CodePoint]].
v. For each element octet of Octets in List order, do
1. Set R to the string-concatenation of:
- the previous value of R
- "%"
- the String representation of octet, formatted as a two-digit uppercase hexadecimal number, padded to the left with a zero if necessary
菜鸟教程/w3school等 <= JS高程3等技术类书籍 <= MDN <= tc39 ECMA标准文档
js相关知识基本都是对API、tc39 ECMA标准文档的总结、梳理。区别在于:
- 整理的意图:是仅仅展示API调用,还是介绍原理(简单说明/详细介绍)
- 示例demo是否丰富?demo是否可以让人很好的理解知识点?
- URI Handling Functions | ECMA-262 Specifications (opens new window)
- encodeURI() | MDN (opens new window)
- encodeURIComponent与encodeURI的区别 (opens new window)
- js高程3的引用类型 - 单体内置对象 - global对象 - URI编码方法笔记 (opens new window)
- 关于URL编码 | 阮一峰的网络日志 (opens new window)
# 2020/06/28 周天
# 输入法组合文字事件compositionstart等不能用on监听
<input id="input"></input>
let input = document.querySelector('#input')
console.log('input', input)
let composition = false
// input.addEventListener('compositionstart', (e) => {
// console.log('oncompositionstart')
// composition = true
// });
// input.addEventListener('compositionend', (e) => {
// console.log('oncompositionend')
// composition = false
// });
input.oncompositionstart = (e) => {
console.log('oncompositionstart', composition)
composition = true
input.oncompositionend = (e) => {
console.log('oncompositionend', composition)
composition = false
# 2020/06/26 周五
# 为什么vconsole直接new一下就能引入,而且可以显示网络请求,console信息
// main.js
import VConsole from "vconsole";
new VConsole();
入口在 src/core/core.js,有一个VConsole的class,可以看到这里用了单例模式,只允许有一个vconsole
// src/core/core.js
// ...
class VConsole {
constructor(opt) {
if (!!$.one(VCONSOLE_ID)) {
console.debug('vConsole is already exists.');
// ....
// ...
// src/core/core.js
// ...
// built-in plugins
import VConsolePlugin from '../lib/plugin.js';
import VConsoleLogPlugin from '../log/log.js';
import VConsoleDefaultPlugin from '../log/default.js';
import VConsoleSystemPlugin from '../log/system.js';
import VConsoleNetworkPlugin from '../network/network.js';
import VConsoleElementPlugin from '../element/element.js';
import VConsoleStoragePlugin from '../storage/storage.js';
// ...
constructor 里面挂载dom的方法如下,直接监听window的事件,当确定页面加载ok后,再将vconsole相关dom挂载上去
// src/core/core.js
// ...
// try to init
let _onload = function() {
if (that.isInited) {
if (document !== undefined) {
if (document.readyState === 'loading') {
$.bind(window, 'DOMContentLoaded', _onload);
} else {
} else {
// if document does not exist, wait for it
let _timer;
let _pollingDocument = function() {
if (!!document && document.readyState == 'complete') {
_timer && clearTimeout(_timer);
} else {
_timer = setTimeout(_pollingDocument, 1);
_timer = setTimeout(_pollingDocument, 1);
// src/log/log.js
// ...
* replace window.console with vConsole method
* @private
mockConsole() {
const that = this;
const methodList = ['log', 'info', 'warn', 'debug', 'error'];
if (!window.console) {
window.console = {};
} else {
methodList.map(function (method) {
that.console[method] = window.console[method];
that.console.time = window.console.time;
that.console.timeEnd = window.console.timeEnd;
that.console.clear = window.console.clear;
methodList.map(method => {
window.console[method] = (...args) => {
logType: method,
logs: args,
当vconsole remove后,还原现场
// src/log/log.js
// ...
* before remove
* @public
onRemove() {
window.console.log = this.console.log;
window.console.info = this.console.info;
window.console.warn = this.console.warn;
window.console.debug = this.console.debug;
window.console.error = this.console.error;
window.console.time = this.console.time;
window.console.timeEnd = this.console.timeEnd;
window.console.clear = this.console.clear;
this.console = {};
const idx = ADDED_LOG_TAB_ID.indexOf(this.id);
if (idx > -1) {
ADDED_LOG_TAB_ID.splice(idx, 1);
// src/network/network.js
* mock ajax request
* @private
mockAjax() {
let _XMLHttpRequest = window.XMLHttpRequest;
if (!_XMLHttpRequest) { return; }
let that = this;
let _open = window.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open,
_send = window.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send;
that._open = _open;
that._send = _send;
// mock open()
window.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open = function() {
let XMLReq = this;
let args = [].slice.call(arguments),
// ...
// mock send()
window.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send = function() {
let XMLReq = this;
let args = [].slice.call(arguments),
data = args[0];
- 通过window监听页面加载,加载ok后向页面追加vconsle相关的dom
- 像log、network等相关的渲染显示,都是通过重写window下对应的系统方法来加入一些自定义操作
完整源码可以先npm install vconsole后再在node_modules里面查看,或者在github上看 vconsole - github (opens new window)
# obs录制视频不是全屏的问题
解决方法:打开OBS => 点击顶部 "编辑" 按钮 => 选择 "变换" => 点击比例适配屏幕
# 2020/06/21 周日
# 视频拖动到imovie时间轴后,屏幕上方和下方被截断了
注意这种情况,需要在时间轴,选中视频,然后在预览器,点击 "全部还原",就可以了。
# 2020/06/19 周五
# 数组去重,去掉id重复的元素
let customerList = [
{ id: '1', info: 'xxx' },
{ id: '3', info: 'xxx' },
{ id: '1', info: 'xxx' },
{ id: '2', info: 'xxx' },
{ id: '3', info: 'xxx' },
// 去重
let tempSet = new Set()
let newList = customerList.filter(item => {
if (tempSet.has(item.id)) {
return false
return true
// [
// { id: '1', info: 'xxx' },
// { id: '3', info: 'xxx' },
// { id: '2', info: 'xxx' },
// ]
# 2020/06/17 周三
# axios取消请求,以及具体使用场景
- tab切换刷新某个列表数据数据导致数据错乱的问题
- 导出文件或下载文件时,中途取消
const CancelToken = axios.CancelToken;
const source = CancelToken.source();
// get 方法 假设这个接口需要50s才返回
axios.get('/user/12345', {
cancelToken: source.token
}).catch(function (thrown) {
if (axios.isCancel(thrown)) {
console.log('Request canceled', thrown.message);
} else {
// handle error
// post 方法时 假设这个接口需要50s才返回
// axios.post('/user/12345', {
// name: 'new name'
// }, {
// cancelToken: source.token
// })
// 3庙后取消请求
setTimeout(() => {
// cancel the request (the message parameter is optional)
source.cancel('Operation canceled by the user.');
}, 3000)
参考:axios cancellation | github (opens new window)
# 2020/06/16 周二
# vue写一个js可以调用的toast组件
// 将vue单文件组件挂载到dom的核心方法 create.js
import Vue from "vue";
export default function create(Component, props) {
// 先创建实例
const vm = new Vue({
render(h) {
// h就是createElement,它返回VNode
return h(Component, { props });
// 手动挂载
// 销毁方法
const comp = vm.$children[0];
comp.remove = function() {
return comp;
<el-button @click="showToast">打开toast</el-button>
import Toast from "./Toast.vue";
import create from "./create";
export default {
methods: {
showToast() {
console.log("show toast");
let toast = create(Toast, {
show: true,
message: "我是错误信息",
type: "error"
setTimeout(() => {
}, 2000);
<div class="my-toast">
<div :class="type">{{ message }}</div>
export default {
props: {
message: {
type: String,
required: true
type: {
type: String,
default: "error"
<style lang="less" scoped>
.my-toast {
position: absolute;
left: 50%;
top: 50%;
transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
width: 300px;
border: 1px solid #ccc;
text-align: center;
.error {
color: red;
.success {
color: green;
# 前端性能优化 - 缓存
# http缓存
相关文档可以搜索对应请求头的MDN文档、另外可以参考《http权威指南》第7章 缓存
- 强缓存 - 设置文档过期时间(document expiration):给当前请求设置一个过期时间,这段时间内可以直接使用缓存数据,不必再去请求服务器拿数据
- 弱缓存/协商缓存 - 服务器再验证(server revalidation):服务器响应某个请求时,在响应头加一个版本信息或最后一次修改时间的标记,当下次该请求发生时,请求头会携带这个标记信息,服务器会通过标记值来判断是否使用缓存内容
# 强缓存 document expiration
当第一次发送某个http请求后,会把内容缓存一段时间。在这段时间里,都认为内容是 "新鲜的",可以在不联系服务器的情况下,直接响应该文档。
Expires [ɪk'spaɪəz] 响应头包含日期/时间, 即在此时候之后,响应过期。无效的日期,比如 0, 代表着过去的日期,即该资源已经过期。如果在Cache-Control响应头设置了 "max-age" 或者 "s-max-age" 指令,那么 Expires 头会被忽略。
const Koa = require('koa')
const Router = require('koa-router')
const app = new Koa()
const router = new Router()
app.use(require('koa-static')(__dirname + '/public'))
router.get('/listData', ctx => {
// 打印log,用来看服务端是否收到了请求
console.log('recive req', ctx.url)
// 实际效果:Expires: Sat Jul 04 2020 19:28:42 GMT+0800 (GMT+08:00)
ctx.set('Expires', new Date(+new Date() + 3600 * 1000)) // UTC时间
ctx.body = {
info: 'hello world'
app.listen(9000, () => {
console.log('server start on 9000 port')
<button id="btn">发送请求</button>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/axios/dist/axios.min.js"></script>
let btn = document.getElementById('btn')
btn.onclick = () => {
async function sendRequest() {
try {
let res = await axios.get('/listData');
} catch(e) {
当我们点击两次发送请求,测试结果如下:第一次请求时正常接收请求,由于我们设置了Expires响应头,前端再次请求时,服务端没有接收到请求,浏览器直接从硬盘读的缓存(from disk cache),响应头对比图如下
参考:Expires - HTTP | MDN (opens new window)
- public:所有内容都将被缓存(客户端和代理服务器都可缓存)
- private:所有内容只有客户端可以缓存,(即代理服务器不能缓存它)Cache-Control的默认取值
- no-cache:客户端缓存内容,但是是否使用缓存则需要经过协商缓存来验证决定(除非资源进行了再验证(协商缓存验证),否则客户端不会使用已换成的资源)
- no-store:所有内容都不会被缓存,即不使用强制缓存,也不使用协商缓存(缓存应当尽快从服务器中删除文档的所有痕迹,因为其中可能包含敏感信息)
- max-age=seconds 设置缓存存储的最大周期,超过这个时间缓存被认为过期(单位秒)。与Expires相反,时间是相对于请求的时间。
- s-maxage=seconds 覆盖max-age或者Expires头,但是仅适用于共享缓存(比如各个代理),私有缓存会忽略它。
ctx.set("Cache-control", "max-age=3600") // 设置缓存有效时间为3600s,1个小时
Cache-Control: max-age=<seconds> # 如果后端不设置改值,前端无效
Cache-Control: max-stale[=<seconds>]
Cache-Control: min-fresh=<seconds>
Cache-control: no-cache # 可以使用,等价于 Pragma: no-cache
Cache-control: no-store
Cache-control: no-transform
Cache-control: only-if-cached
let res = await axios.get('/listData', {
headers: {'Cache-Control': 'no-cache'}, // 如果前端使用这个请求头,那么后端设置的max-age或Expires就会被忽略
参考:Cache-Control - HTTP | MDN (opens new window)
# 弱缓存/协商缓存 server revalidation
Last-Modified/If-Modified-Since 在响应某个请求时,响应头加一个Last-Modified,值设置为某个资源的最后一次修改时间。注意:这里会有一个问题,加了Last-Modified后,下次请求浏览器直接使用了强缓存,直接读disk cache,没有请求服务器,那我们服务器再验证就验证不了,所以需要设置一个no-cache的请求头,不使用强缓存,代码如下:
let fileInfo = fs.statSync('./public/index.html')
let mtime = fileInfo.mtime
ctx.set("Last-Modified", mtime)
// 完整接口如下
router.get('/listData', ctx => {
console.log('recive req', ctx.url)
let fileInfo = fs.statSync('./public/index.html')
let mtime = fileInfo.mtime
// console.log(fileInfo, fileInfo.mtime)
// 响应头设置后,下次这个请求会在请求头自动加上 If-Modified-Since: Sat Jul 04 2020 21:19:30 GMT+0800 (GMT+08:00) 字段
ctx.set("Last-Modified", mtime)
if (ctx.headers['if-modified-since'] && ctx.headers['if-modified-since'] == mtime) {
ctx.status = 304
} else {
ctx.body = {
info: 'hello world'
注意:当与 If-None-Match 一同出现时,它(If-Modified-Since)会被忽略掉,除非服务器不支持 If-None-Match。
- 某些文件会被周期性的重写,但文件内容是一样的,可最后一次修改时间变了
- 有些文档被改了,但改动并不重要,比如拼写或注释的修改,不需要让所有缓存都更新
- 有些文档会在亚秒间发生变化,对设置服务器来说,1s的粒度会不够用
const calcMd5 = require('./md5')
router.get('/listData', (ctx, next) => {
console.log('recive req', ctx.url)
let md5 = calcMd5('./public/index.html')
ctx.set('ETag', md5)
if (ctx.headers['if-none-match'] && ctx.headers['if-none-match'] === md5) {
ctx.status = 304
} else {
ctx.body = {
info: 'hello world'
md5.js 计算文件md5
const crypto = require('crypto');
const fs = require('fs');
module.exports = (filePath) => {
let buffer = fs.readFileSync(filePath);
let fsHash = crypto.createHash('md5');
return fsHash.digest('hex');
# Chrome下注意事项
- 如果ETag和If-None-Match的值一致,且koa返回了304,但前端一直是200时,可能是浏览器的问题,关掉浏览器当前页面,再打开可能就好了。这一块调的我差点怀疑人生
- 书上或文档里说,no-cache只是不使用强缓存,需要服务器二次验证、而no-store是既不使用强缓存也不使用协商缓存,但是在chrome浏览器里,如果你的请求头里有Cache-Control': 'no-cache',不管是强缓存还是协商缓存都不会生效;
- 在F12 chrome调试面板,勾选disable cache,请求头会自动携带Pragma: no-cache,等价于请求头里设置cache-control: no-cache
- 在chrome浏览器下,请求头里使用Cache-Control': 'no-store',没有任何用处
关于以上完整的HTTP缓存测试demo,参见 http缓存测试 | github (opens new window)
# 浏览器缓存
# 2020/06/15 周一
# macos大小写不敏感,修改文件名大小写后git会异常
# echarts画高自定义仪表盘,echart本质是图的堆叠
下面是一个很粗糙的测试demo,option如下,完整demo参见: 自定义仪表盘 | github (opens new window)
var placeHolderStyle = {
normal: {
label: {
show: false
labelLine: {
show: false
color: "rgba(0,0,0,0)",
borderWidth: 0
emphasis: {
color: "rgba(0,0,0,0)",
borderWidth: 0
var bg = [
type: "pie",
radius: "53%", // 半径
center: [
// 圆心
z: 1,
itemStyle: {
normal: {
color: {
type: "linear",
x: 0,
y: 0,
x2: 0,
y2: 1,
colorStops: [
offset: 0,
color: "#ffffff" // 0% 处的颜色
offset: 1,
color: "#f3f4f9" // 100% 处的颜色
global: false // 缺省为 false
label: {
show: false
labelLine: {
show: false
hoverAnimation: false,
label: {
show: false
tooltip: {
show: false
data: [
value: 70 // 背景部分
value: 30, // 空缺部分
itemStyle: {
color: "transparent"
startAngle: 216
// 仪表盘外层
var roundList = [
type: "pie",
hoverAnimation: true, //鼠标经过的特效
radius: ["50%", "55%"],
center: ["40%", "50%"],
startAngle: 180,
labelLine: {
normal: {
show: false
label: {
normal: {
position: "center"
data: [
value: 100, // 显示长度
itemStyle: {
normal: {
color: "rgba(236,172,112, 1.0)" // 橙色 1
value: 100, // 总长度
itemStyle: placeHolderStyle
type: "pie",
hoverAnimation: false, //鼠标经过的特效
radius: ["50%", "55%"], // 内半径、外半径
center: ["40%", "50%"], // 圆心坐标, 距离左侧、顶部
startAngle: 180, // 0 为圆心左侧开始,起始角度,支持范围[0, 360]。
labelLine: {
normal: {
show: false
label: {
normal: {
position: "center"
data: [
value: 11,
itemStyle: {
normal: {
color: "white" // 3 紫色
// label: dataStyle, 显示标签
value: 100,
itemStyle: placeHolderStyle
type: "pie",
hoverAnimation: false, //鼠标经过的特效
radius: ["50%", "55%"], // 内半径、外半径
center: ["40%", "50%"], // 圆心坐标, 距离左侧、顶部
startAngle: 180, // 0 为圆心左侧开始,起始角度,支持范围[0, 360]。
labelLine: {
normal: {
show: false
label: {
normal: {
position: "center"
data: [
value: 10,
itemStyle: {
normal: {
color: "rgba(170,185,227,1.0)" // 3 紫色
// label: dataStyle, // label: dataStyle, 显示标签
value: 100,
itemStyle: placeHolderStyle
var pointer = [
name: "指针",
type: "gauge",
title: {
show: false
detail: {
show: false
data: [
value: 29
radius: "55%", // 内半径、外半径
center: ["40%", "50%"], // 圆心坐标, 距离左侧、顶部
itemStyle: {
color: "#000"
axisLine: {
lineStyle: {
show: false,
width: 0
axisLabel: {
show: false
axisTick: {
show: false
splitLine: {
show: false
pointer: {
show: true,
length: "80%",
width: 40
var circles = [
type: "pie",
radius: "80", // 半径
center: [
// 圆心
z: 10,
itemStyle: {
normal: {
color: "#fff",
label: {
show: true
labelLine: {
show: false
shadowColor: "rgba(122, 122, 122, 0.21)",
shadowBlur: 30
animation: false,
tooltip: {
show: false
data: [
value: 36, // 背景部分
label: {
normal: {
formatter: "{c}%",
position: "center",
show: true,
textStyle: {
fontSize: "40",
fontFamily: "Impact",
fontWeight: "normal",
color: "#4a4a4a"
startAngle: 0,
text: "36%",
textStyle: {
color: "red"
name: "Line",
type: "pie", // 圆圈
clockWise: false,
radius: ["28%", "28.5%"],
center: [
// 圆心
z: 11,
tooltip: {
show: false
label: {
show: false
animation: false,
data: [
value: 100,
itemStyle: {
color: "#ececec"
var texts = [];
var option = {
backgroundColor: "#fff",
title: [
text: "0",
left: "13%",
top: "51%",
textAlign: "center",
textStyle: {
fontWeight: "normal",
fontFamily: "PingFangSC-Semibold",
fontSize: "16",
color: "#4a4a4a",
textAlign: "center"
text: "48万",
left: "65%",
top: "51%",
textAlign: "center",
textStyle: {
color: "#4a4a4a",
fontFamily: "PingFangSC-Semibold",
fontWeight: "normal",
fontSize: "16",
textAlign: "center"
series: [
...bg, // 背景
...roundList, // 最外面顶部样式
...pointer, // 指针
...circles, // 中间圆圈部分
...texts // 左右侧文字
# 输入过程中,怎么实时高亮部分文字(@xxx高亮实现)
<div id="editdiv" contenteditable></div>
let editdiv = document.querySelector('#editdiv')
// 输入内容改变
editdiv.oninput = (e) => {
let curValue = editdiv.innerHTML
console.log('当前富文本输入内容', curValue)
let needHighlightArr = keyArr.filter(item => curValue.includes(item))
// 开始高亮
needHighlightArr.forEach(item => {
console.log(item, curValue)
// 如果之前已经设置了highlight,就不设置了
let nextText = `<span class="highlight">${item}</span>`
if (!curValue.includes(nextText)) {
curValue = curValue.replace(item, nextText)
editdiv.innerHTML = curValue
- replace后,光标移动到了输入框最前面
// 解决方法:replace后,把输入光标移动到最后面
// set 光标到末尾
// https://www.cnblogs.com/jonie-wong/p/5519822.html
// div输入@光标定位
// 知乎div编辑器,@功能的光标定位问题
// https://segmentfault.com/q/1010000005617160
function focusToElementEnd(el) {
if (!window.getSelection) {
var range = document.selection.createRange();
this.last = range;
document.selection.empty(); //取消选中
else {
var range = document.createRange();
var sel = window.getSelection();
- 替换后虽然高亮了,但再次输入的文字,也会一直是高亮的,注意,后面输入的字母没有放到replace span后面
// [Log] 当前富文本输入内容 "123zuo"
// [Log] zuo "123zuo"
// [Log] 替换后,再次获取富文本输入内容 "123<span class="highlight">zuo</span>"
// [Log] 当前富文本输入内容 – "123<span class=\"highlight\">zuok</span>"
// [Log] zuo – "123<span class=\"highlight\">zuok</span>"
网上找了下,最相似的答案是 实现动态输入关键字时关键字高亮 (opens new window),从这里捕捉到一个很重要的信息,就是里面提到的是替换text而不是html,而我替换的是innerHTML,所以我换了下思路
const keyArr = ['今天', '明天', '上午', '下午', '11点', '12点', 'zuo']
let editdiv = document.querySelector('#editdiv')
editdiv.onkeyup = (e) => {
console.log('onkeyup', e, editdiv.textContent)
// document.execCommand('forecolor', false, 'black')
let curValue = editdiv.textContent
let needHighlightArr = keyArr.filter(item => curValue.includes(item))
// 开始高亮
needHighlightArr.forEach(item => {
console.log(item, curValue)
// 如果之前已经设置了highlight,就不设置了 class="highlight"
let nextText = `<span class="highlight">${item}</span>`
if (!curValue.includes(nextText)) {
curValue = curValue.replace(item, nextText)
editdiv.innerHTML = curValue
focusToElementEnd(editdiv) // 将光标移动到末尾
- 上面的demo还存在一个问题,就是在输入法组合文件的过程中也会进行replace,导致中文无法输入,这里我们结合之前研究v-model无法实时监听输入法组合文字过程 (opens new window)的经验。当组合文字时,不进行替换
<div id="editdiv" contenteditable></div>
<button onclick="alert(document.querySelector('#editdiv').textContent)">获取textContent</button>
<button onclick="alert(document.querySelector('#editdiv').innerHTML)">获取innerHTML</button>
const keyArr = ['今天', '明天', '上午', '下午', '11点', '12点', 'zuo']
let composition = false // 是否是在输入法组合文字的过程中
let editdiv = document.querySelector('#editdiv')
editdiv.onkeyup = (e) => {
console.log('输入法组合文字过程,composition: ', composition)
if (composition) {
console.log('onkeyup', e, editdiv.textContent)
let curValue = editdiv.textContent
let needHighlightArr = keyArr.filter(item => curValue.includes(item))
// 开始高亮
needHighlightArr.forEach(item => {
console.log(item, curValue)
// 如果之前已经设置了highlight,就不设置了 class="highlight"
let nextText = `<span class="highlight">${item}</span>`
if (!curValue.includes(nextText)) {
curValue = curValue.replace(item, nextText)
editdiv.innerHTML = curValue
focusToElementEnd(editdiv) // 将光标移动到末尾
editdiv.addEventListener('compositionstart', (e) => {
composition = true
editdiv.addEventListener('compositionend', (e) => {
composition = false
以上,我们基本实现了输入过程中实时高亮关键字的功能,替换的细节还需要优化,这里只是一个实现思路。完整demo参见: 输入内容过程中高亮关键字 | github (opens new window)
# v-loading指令的实现,怎么通过一个指令自动加骨架屏
<div v-zloading="loading" class="div">
// 挂载dom
function mountDom(el) {
el.style.position = "relative";
let div = document.createElement("div");
div.style.position = "absolute";
div.style.top = "0";
div.style.left = "0";
div.style.right = "0";
div.style.bottom = "0";
div.style.backgroundColor = "white";
let htmlStr = `
<div style="positon:absolute;top:0;left:0;z-index:999;width: 100%;margin: 10 auto;">
<div class="fast-loading"></div>
<div class="fast-loading w40"></div>
<div class="fast-loading w80"></div>
div.innerHTML = htmlStr;
Vue.directive("zloading", {
bind: (el, binding) => {
// console.log("v-zloading bind");
// console.log(binding, vnode);
if (binding.value) {
update: (el, binding) => {
// console.log("v-zloading update");
// console.log(el, binding, vnode);
let zloadingDom = el.querySelector(".zloading");
// console.log("zloading dom", zloadingDom);
if (zloadingDom) {
zloadingDom.style.display = binding.value ? "block" : "none";
} else {
binding.value && mountDom(el);
.fast-loading {
height: 20px;
margin: 10px 0;
width: 200px;
background-color: rgb(245, 245, 245);
background-image: repeating-linear-gradient(90deg, #eee, #f5f5f5 100%);
animation-name: fastLoading;
animation-timing-function: linear;
animation-duration: 1s;
animation-iteration-count: infinite;
@keyframes fastLoading {
from {
background-position: 0 0;
to {
background-position: 100px 0;
.w100 { width: 100% }
.w80 { width: 80% }
.w60 { width: 60% }
.w40 { width: 50% }
.w30 { width: 30% }
这样就模拟实现了一个v-loading, 完整demo参见v-zloading 实现 | github (opens new window) 注意,指令的实现是放在main.js里面的
// 截取至element v-loading部分源码
// https://github.com/ElemeFE/element/blob/dev/packages/loading/src/directive.js
Vue.directive('loading', {
bind: function(el, binding, vnode) {
const mask = new Mask({
el: document.createElement('div'),
data: {
text: vm && vm[textExr] || textExr,
spinner: vm && vm[spinnerExr] || spinnerExr,
background: vm && vm[backgroundExr] || backgroundExr,
customClass: vm && vm[customClassExr] || customClassExr,
fullscreen: !!binding.modifiers.fullscreen
el.instance = mask;
el.mask = mask.$el;
el.maskStyle = {};
// 如果v-loading设置的值为true,挂载maskdom(toggleLoading方法)
binding.value && toggleLoading(el, binding);
update: function(el, binding) {
if (binding.oldValue !== binding.value) {
toggleLoading(el, binding);
unbind: function(el, binding) {
if (el.domInserted) {
el.mask &&
el.mask.parentNode &&
toggleLoading(el, { value: false, modifiers: binding.modifiers });
el.instance && el.instance.$destroy();
回过头来看看之前element UI在IE下可能会出现的两个bug
- element v-loading在IE下可能会溢出到全屏的问题,我的理解是,我觉得主要的核心在于在v-loading作用的元素上添加position:relative没有成功
// ...
if (el.originalPosition !== 'absolute' && el.originalPosition !== 'fixed') {
addClass(parent, 'el-loading-parent--relative');
// ...
- element v-loading在IE下可能会关不掉的问题,我的理解是,当binding.value有值时,它是在Vue.nextTick下次渲染周期才挂载loading的dom,如果设置true,false间隔非常快,还没在下个渲染周期,那么其实loading已经是false了,但它才开始挂载,导致关闭不了
// ...
if (binding.value) {
Vue.nextTick(() => {
if (binding.modifiers.fullscreen) {
el.originalPosition = getStyle(document.body, 'position');
el.originalOverflow = getStyle(document.body, 'overflow');
el.maskStyle.zIndex = PopupManager.nextZIndex();
addClass(el.mask, 'is-fullscreen');
insertDom(document.body, el, binding);
} else {
removeClass(el.mask, 'is-fullscreen');
// ...
后面有机会在 node_modules 下修改源码加上console,然后在IE下调试看看,这个是目前来说最好的方法。
# element v-loading在IE下可能会溢出到全屏的问题
在IE下,有可能出现v-loading指令在loading时不是作用在添加 v-loading 指令的元素区域里,而是溢出到全屏了。
这种情况我查了下dom,了解到v-loading是position: absolute布局,而v-loading position不是relatvie 导致溢出到全屏了。这种情况给使用v-loading指令的元素手动加一个 position: relative就可以了。
# element v-loading在IE下可能会关不掉的问题
对于请求非常快的情况,loading一加载很快就关闭。在IE下,可能出现 v-loading设置的值已经是 false,但loading还是一直显示,关闭不了的情况,解决方法是:在关闭loading前,加一个500ms的延时,就没问题了。
setTimeout(() => {
this.loading = false
}, 500)
# macOS下怎么将mp4和m4a文件合并
# 下载ffmpeg解压后会有一个ffmpeg-4.2.3-macos64-static文件夹,然后进入这个目录的bin目录下,执行
./ffmpeg -i /Users/kevin/Desktop/17下.mp4 -i /Users/kevin/Desktop/17下.m4a out2.mp4
# 判断一个字符串出现次数最多的字符,并输出其次数
let str = "ababadectwestsfdadsfb"
function getMostChar(str) {
function getCharCount(str) {
// 先把字符串切分为数组
return str.split('').reduce((result, item) => {
if (result[item] === undefined) {
result[item] = 1
} else {
return result
}, {})
上面的例子中,使用了Array.prototype.reduce,如果不知道reduce执行情况,就需要好好看下mdn (opens new window)的文档了,上面的代码其实等价于下面的代码,可以看到reduce使用第二参数时,
function getCharCount(str) {
// 先把字符串切分为数组
let result = {}
str.split('').forEach(item => {
if (result[item] === undefined) {
result[item] = 1
} else {
return result
console.log('每个字符串出现的次数', JSON.stringify(getCharCount(str)))
// {"a":4,"b":3,"d":3,"e":2,"c":1,"t":2,"w":1,"s":3,"f":2}
let str = "ababadectwestsfdadsfb"
function getMostChar(str) {
// 先把字符串切分为数组
let mostChar = {
count: 0,
char: ''
let charCountObj = str.split('').reduce((result, item) => {
if (result[item] === undefined) {
result[item] = 1
} else {
if (result[item] > mostChar.count) {
mostChar.count = result[item]
mostChar.char = item
return result
}, {})
return {
mostChar, // 出现次数最多的字符
charCountObj, // 字符串中所有字符出现的次数
上面的例子中mostChar输出了出现次数最多的字符以及其次数,那问题来了,如果字符串是 "aabbcc",那出现最多次数的字符就不只一个了,可能会是数组。我们需要对上面的例子再进行一些增强,如下
// 主要是修改当前字符和出现次数最多的字符相等的情况
if (result[item] > mostChar.count) {
mostChar.count = result[item]
mostChar.char = item
} else if (result[item] === mostChar.count) {
if (typeof mostChar.char === 'string') {
mostChar.char = [mostChar.char, item]
} else {
以上就是完整实现了,完整demo参见:判断一个字符串出现最多的字符 | github (opens new window)
# 2020/06/13 周六
# Symbol和Array.prototype.includes不兼容IE,有babel就可以,他的原理是什么
# 什么是babel?
Babel is a JavaScript compiler,Babel is a toolchain that is mainly used to convert ECMAScript 2015+ code into a backwards compatible version of JavaScript in current and older browsers or environments. Here are the main things Babel can do for you:
babel是一个js编译器,他是一个工具链(toolchain),它主要用于将 ES6(ES2015)+ 的代码转换为在低版本浏览器或执行环境可以跑起来的代码。他主要做了以下事情:
- Transform syntax(语法转换)
- Polyfill features that are missing in your target environment (through @babel/polyfill) (当浏览器会运行环境不支持某些API时,通过使用@babel/polyfill补充上对应的API实现内容(polyfill features))
- Source coude transformations(codemods) 源码转换
- And more!(check out these videos for inspiration)(更多,查看这些视频 (opens new window)以获取灵感)
// Babel Input: ES2015 arrow function
[1, 2, 3].map((n) => n + 1);
// Babel Output: ES5 equivalent
[1, 2, 3].map(function(n) {
return n + 1;
# 关于@babel/polyfill与core-js
一般polyfill只会提供es2015+相关的内容,且当某些新特性还没到 Stage 4 proposals(第4阶段的提议)之前,是不支持的
As of Babel 7.4.0, this package has been deprecated in favor of directly including core-js/stable (to polyfill ECMAScript features) and regenerator-runtime/runtime (needed to use transpiled generator functions):
在 Babel 7.4.0 中,@babel/polyfill这个包被废弃了,现在由 core-js/stable
(opens new window) 来polyfill features
import "core-js/stable";
import "regenerator-runtime/runtime";
参考 @babel/polyfill (opens new window)
我们在core-js的源码中找找 symbol 和includes的实现,一般源码目录在 core-js/internals 目录下,下面是 include polyfill的实现
// /core-js/internals/array-includes.js
var toIndexedObject = require('../internals/to-indexed-object');
var toLength = require('../internals/to-length');
var toAbsoluteIndex = require('../internals/to-absolute-index');
// `Array.prototype.{ indexOf, includes }` methods implementation
var createMethod = function (IS_INCLUDES) {
return function ($this, el, fromIndex) {
var O = toIndexedObject($this);
var length = toLength(O.length);
var index = toAbsoluteIndex(fromIndex, length);
var value;
// Array#includes uses SameValueZero equality algorithm
// eslint-disable-next-line no-self-compare
if (IS_INCLUDES && el != el) while (length > index) {
value = O[index++];
// eslint-disable-next-line no-self-compare
if (value != value) return true; // ??????
// Array#indexOf ignores holes, Array#includes - not
} else for (;length > index; index++) {
if ((IS_INCLUDES || index in O) && O[index] === el) return IS_INCLUDES || index || 0;
} return !IS_INCLUDES && -1;
module.exports = {
// `Array.prototype.includes` method
// https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-array.prototype.includes
includes: createMethod(true),
// `Array.prototype.indexOf` method
// https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-array.prototype.indexof
indexOf: createMethod(false)
tc39官网介绍:When the includes method is called, the following steps are taken:
// https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-array.prototype.includes
1. Let O be ? ToObject(this value).
2. Let len be ? LengthOfArrayLike(O).
3. If len is 0, return false.
4. Let n be ? ToInteger(fromIndex).
5. Assert: If fromIndex is undefined, then n is 0.
6. If n ≥ 0, then
Let k be n.
Let k be len + n.
If k < 0, set k to 0.
8. Repeat, while k < len,
Let elementK be the result of ? Get(O, ! ToString(k)).
If SameValueZero(searchElement, elementK) is true, return true.
Set k to k + 1.
9. Return false.
关于 sameValueZero算法,参见 samevaluezero tc39 (opens new window)
# symbol polyfill实现
// `Symbol.prototype.description` getter
// https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-symbol.prototype.description
// /core-js/modules/es.symbol.description.js
var NativeSymbol = global.Symbol;
if (DESCRIPTORS && typeof NativeSymbol == 'function' && (!('description' in NativeSymbol.prototype) ||
// Safari 12 bug
NativeSymbol().description !== undefined
)) {
var EmptyStringDescriptionStore = {};
// wrap Symbol constructor for correct work with undefined description
var SymbolWrapper = function Symbol() {
var description = arguments.length < 1 || arguments[0] === undefined ? undefined : String(arguments[0]);
var result = this instanceof SymbolWrapper
? new NativeSymbol(description)
// in Edge 13, String(Symbol(undefined)) === 'Symbol(undefined)'
: description === undefined ? NativeSymbol() : NativeSymbol(description);
if (description === '') EmptyStringDescriptionStore[result] = true;
return result;
copyConstructorProperties(SymbolWrapper, NativeSymbol);
var symbolPrototype = SymbolWrapper.prototype = NativeSymbol.prototype;
symbolPrototype.constructor = SymbolWrapper;
var symbolToString = symbolPrototype.toString;
var native = String(NativeSymbol('test')) == 'Symbol(test)';
var regexp = /^Symbol\((.*)\)[^)]+$/;
defineProperty(symbolPrototype, 'description', {
configurable: true,
get: function description() {
var symbol = isObject(this) ? this.valueOf() : this;
var string = symbolToString.call(symbol);
if (has(EmptyStringDescriptionStore, symbol)) return '';
var desc = native ? string.slice(7, -1) : string.replace(regexp, '$1');
return desc === '' ? undefined : desc;
# babel是怎么自动打包进vue-cli项目里的
在babel github官方仓库里面有一个 babel-loader
项目,主要是Babel loader for webpack,另外vue-cli的package.json里也引入了 @vue/cli-plugin-babel
# 用koa mock接口时router.allowedMethods()这个中间件是用来做什么的?
let koa = require('koa');
let Router = require('koa-router')
let app = new koa()
let router = new Router()
router.post('/user', ctx => {
ctx.body = {
a: 1
// app.use(router.routes()).use(router.allowedMethods())
app.listen('9000', () => {
console.log('server listen on 9000 port')
上面的例子中,我们定义一个 /user 接口,他需要使用post请求方法。这里我们先通过get方法来请求这个接口试试
curl -v
# 以下是请求响应的内容,可以看到接口会返回404,因为我们接口现在只能是post请求的
* Connected to ( port 9000 (#0)
> GET /user HTTP/1.1
> Host:
> User-Agent: curl/7.64.1
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
< Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
< Content-Length: 9
< Date: Thu, 25 Jun 2020 09:13:14 GMT
< Connection: keep-alive
我们再调整下上面的demo,使用 router.allowedMethods() 中间件
// app.use(router.routes())
curl -v
# 以下是返回结果
* Connected to ( port 9000 (#0)
> GET /user HTTP/1.1
> Host:
> User-Agent: curl/7.64.1
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed
< Allow: POST
< Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
< Content-Length: 18
< Date: Thu, 25 Jun 2020 09:13:55 GMT
< Connection: keep-alive
类型 | 响应状态码 | 响应头变化 |
默认情况 | 404 Not Found | 无 |
router.allowedMethods() | 405 Method Not Allowed | 新增响应头 Allow: POST |
下面我们来看下对应的源码:koa-router源码 | github (opens new window)
# package.json里面的main就是我们 require对应npm包后,引入的实际文件地址
"main": "lib/router.js",
// 源码截取至https://github.com/koajs/router/blob/master/lib/router.js
* Returns separate middleware for responding to `OPTIONS` requests with
* an `Allow` header containing the allowed methods, as well as responding
* with `405 Method Not Allowed` and `501 Not Implemented` as appropriate.
* @param {Object=} options
* @param {Boolean=} options.throw throw error instead of setting status and header
* @param {Function=} options.notImplemented throw the returned value in place of the default NotImplemented error
* @param {Function=} options.methodNotAllowed throw the returned value in place of the default MethodNotAllowed error
* @returns {Function}
Router.prototype.allowedMethods = function (options) {
options = options || {};
const implemented = this.methods;
return function allowedMethods(ctx, next) {
return next().then(function() {
const allowed = {};
if (!ctx.status || ctx.status === 404) {
for (let i = 0; i < ctx.matched.length; i++) {
const route = ctx.matched[i];
for (let j = 0; j < route.methods.length; j++) {
const method = route.methods[j];
allowed[method] = method;
const allowedArr = Object.keys(allowed);
if (!~implemented.indexOf(ctx.method)) {
if (options.throw) {
let notImplementedThrowable = (typeof options.notImplemented === 'function')
? options.notImplemented() // set whatever the user returns from their function
: new HttpError.NotImplemented();
throw notImplementedThrowable;
} else {
ctx.status = 501;
ctx.set('Allow', allowedArr.join(', '));
} else if (allowedArr.length) {
if (ctx.method === 'OPTIONS') {
ctx.status = 200;
ctx.body = '';
ctx.set('Allow', allowedArr.join(', '));
} else if (!allowed[ctx.method]) {
if (options.throw) {
let notAllowedThrowable = (typeof options.methodNotAllowed === 'function')
? options.methodNotAllowed() // set whatever the user returns from their function
: new HttpError.MethodNotAllowed();
throw notAllowedThrowable;
} else {
ctx.status = 405;
ctx.set('Allow', allowedArr.join(', '));
- 一般npm install koa-router --save后,当前目录下的node_modules里面会有对应的源码,可以在里面修改源码
- 修改源码后,需要ctrl+s一下index.js触发nodemon重启服务,这样执行的才是修改过源码后的代码
Router.prototype.allowedMethods = function (options) {
options = options || {};
const implemented = this.methods;
console.log('koa router log, implemented', implemented)
// [ 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS', 'GET', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 'POST', 'DELETE' ]
return function allowedMethods(ctx, next) {
return next().then(function() {
const allowed = {};
if (!ctx.status || ctx.status === 404) {
console.log('ctx.matched', ctx.matched)
// ctx.matched 当前请求匹配到的路由,当发送 /user 请求时,这个数组只有一个元素
// [ Layer {
// opts:
// { end: true,
// name: null,
// sensitive: false,
// strict: false,
// prefix: '',
// ignoreCaptures: undefined },
// name: null,
// methods: [ 'POST' ],
// paramNames: [],
// stack: [ [Function] ],
// path: '/user',
// regexp: /^\/user[\/#\?]?$/i } ]
for (let i = 0; i < ctx.matched.length; i++) {
const route = ctx.matched[i];
// 有些接口可能支持多种methods请求,这里遍历当前接口支持的所有方法数组,/user 只支持一个post方法
for (let j = 0; j < route.methods.length; j++) {
const method = route.methods[j];
allowed[method] = method;
console.log('allowed', allowed) // { POST: 'POST' }
const allowedArr = Object.keys(allowed); // ['POST']
console.log('implemented.indexOf(ctx.method)', implemented.indexOf(ctx.method)) // 2
// if (!~value) 等价于 if (value === -1)
if (!~implemented.indexOf(ctx.method)) { // ctx.method GET
// 如果当前请求方法不是下面数组中的某一种
// [ 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS', 'GET', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 'POST', 'DELETE' ]
if (options.throw) {
let notImplementedThrowable = (typeof options.notImplemented === 'function')
? options.notImplemented() // set whatever the user returns from their function
: new HttpError.NotImplemented();
throw notImplementedThrowable;
} else {
ctx.status = 501;
ctx.set('Allow', allowedArr.join(', '));
} else if (allowedArr.length) {
// 当前路由404,但对应的接口可以使用其他的method进行请求
if (ctx.method === 'OPTIONS') {
ctx.status = 200;
ctx.body = '';
ctx.set('Allow', allowedArr.join(', '));
} else if (!allowed[ctx.method]) { // allowed: { POST: 'POST' } ctx.method: GET
// 当前请求方法,并不在接口允许的方法(allowed)里面
if (options.throw) {
// throw error instead of setting status and header
let notAllowedThrowable = (typeof options.methodNotAllowed === 'function')
? options.methodNotAllowed() // set whatever the user returns from their function
: new HttpError.MethodNotAllowed();
throw notAllowedThrowable;
} else {
// 默认请求,如果不传 throw方法的情况
ctx.status = 405;
ctx.set('Allow', allowedArr.join(', '));
总结,router.allowedMethods() 的执行逻辑大致如下
- 如果当前接口为404时(!ctx.status的情况貌似没遇到过),才执行该中间件的逻辑
- 遍历当前请求匹配到的路由信息数组 ctx.matched,将匹配到的路由允许的methods存入 allowed 对象
- 判断当前请求方法ctx.method是否是正常的请求方法,如果不是,抛异常,注意抛异常时,如果调用该中间件时有传入throw参数,则表示自己处理异常,这种情况默认返回501,提示服务异常
// 注意这里用到了 !~ 来判断是否 === -1,这里可以使用ES2016新出的Array.prototype.includes来判断
// if (!~value) 等价于 if (value === -1)
if (!~implemented.indexOf(ctx.method)) { //
- 如果当前路由404,但对应的接口可以使用其他的method进行请求,如果是 options(或预检请求),不返回404,返回200,并设置allow响应头
- 如果当前请求方法不在允许的方法里面,如果传入了throw自己处理异常,否则返回 405 method not allowed,且设置allow响应头
# 2020/06/12 周五
# component用is进行组件切换时会触发哪些钩子函数,加了keep-alive后呢?
如果加了keep-alive,组件首次加载才会触发 created,mounted等钩子函数,切换时就不会触发created,mounted,beforedestroyed等,所以额外加一个activated和deactivated钩子来提示页面已切换,离开当前页面,才会销毁A/B两个组件触发beforeDestroyed和destroyed两个钩子
<!-- index.vue 主页面 -->
<div>当前组件{{ curComp }}</div>
<el-radio v-model="curComp" label="compA">组件A</el-radio>
<el-radio v-model="curComp" label="compB">组件B</el-radio>
<el-button @click="gotoOtherPage" size="mini">离开当前页面</el-button>
<!-- 这里用来打开或关闭keep-alive -->
<!-- <keep-alive> -->
<component :is="curComp"></component>
<!-- </keep-alive> -->
export default {
components: {
compA: () => import("./A"),
compB: () => import("./B")
data() {
return {
curComp: "compA"
methods: {
gotoOtherPage() {
beforeCreate() {
console.log("index beforeCreate");
created() {
console.log("index created");
beforeMount() {
console.log("index beforeMount");
mounted() {
console.log("index mounted");
beforeUpdate() {
console.log("index beforeUpdate");
updated() {
console.log("index updated");
activated() {
console.log("index activated");
deactivated() {
console.log("index deactivated");
beforeDestroy() {
console.log("index beforeDestroy");
destroyed() {
console.log("index destroyed");
errorCaptured() {
console.log("index errorCaptured");
<!-- A.vue -->
export default {
beforeCreate() {
console.log("A beforeCreate");
created() {
console.log("A created");
beforeMount() {
console.log("A beforeMount");
mounted() {
console.log("A mounted");
beforeUpdate() {
console.log("A beforeUpdate");
updated() {
console.log("A updated");
activated() {
console.log("A activated");
deactivated() {
console.log("A deactivated");
beforeDestroy() {
console.log("A beforeDestroy");
destroyed() {
console.log("A destroyed");
errorCaptured() {
console.log("A errorCaptured");
类别 | 非keep-alive | keep-alive |
首次进入 | index beforeCreate index created index beforeMount index mounted index beforeUpdate A beforeCreate A created A beforeMount A mounted index updated | index beforeCreate index created index beforeMount index mounted index beforeUpdate A beforeCreate A created A beforeMount A mounted A activated index updated |
切换到B组件 | index beforeUpdate A beforeDestroy A destroyed index updated index beforeUpdate B beforeCreate B created B beforeMount B mounted index updated | A deactivated index updated index beforeUpdate B beforeCreate B created B beforeMount B mounted B activated index updated |
再切回到A组件 | index beforeUpdate A beforeCreate A created A beforeMount B beforeDestroy B destroyed A mounted index updated | index beforeUpdate B deactivated A activated index updated |
再切回B组件 | index beforeUpdate B beforeCreate B created B beforeMount A beforeDestroy A destroyed B mounted index updated | index beforeUpdate A deactivated B activated index updated |
点击离开当前页面 | index beforeDestroy B beforeDestroy B destroyed index destroyed | index beforeDestroy B deactivated A beforeDestroy A destroyed B beforeDestroy B destroyed index destroyed |
完整demo地址,参见 vue hooks demo | github (opens new window)
# component动态组件与使用v-if控制组件显示有什么区别
component动态组件可以理解为它就是v-if控制组件显示的语法糖。我们用一个例子来测试,之前我们写过compoennt用is切换时的钩子函数demo,我们把demo改写下,使用 v-if来替换component,对比页面渲染以及钩子函数的执行情况。改写如下:
<!-- 这里用来打开或关闭keep-alive -->
<!-- <component :is="curComp"></component> -->
<comp-a v-if="curComp === 'compA'"></comp-a>
<comp-b v-else></comp-b>
实验证明,component和v-if的页面显示效果,钩子函数执行情况一模一样,不管是否加keep-alive,完整demo参见 component vs v-if | github (opens new window)
# element tabs组件切换页面时,显示或隐藏的组件会触发哪些钩子函数
这里主要是要弄清楚el-tabs是怎么实现组件切换的,使用el-tab-pane slot和不用这个插槽触发的钩子函数会相同吗?
<div>当前组件{{ activeName }}</div>
<el-button @click="gotoOtherPage" size="mini">离开当前页面</el-button>
<!-- 不使用el-tab-pane slot的逻辑,仅用tab控制顶部tab栏 -->
<!-- <el-tabs v-model="activeName" @tab-click="handleClick">
<el-tab-pane label="组件A" name="compA"></el-tab-pane>
<el-tab-pane label="组件B" name="compB"></el-tab-pane>
<component :is="activeName"></component>
</div> -->
<!-- 使用el-tab-pane slot -->
<el-tabs v-model="activeName" @tab-click="handleClick">
<el-tab-pane label="组件A" name="compA" :lazy="false">
<!-- <keep-alive> -->
<!-- <comp-a v-if="activeName === 'compA'"></comp-a> -->
<!-- </keep-alive> -->
<el-tab-pane label="组件B" name="compB" :lazy="false">
<!-- <keep-alive> -->
<!-- <comp-b v-if="activeName === 'compB'"></comp-b> -->
<!-- </keep-alive> -->
- 如果默认lazy为false,且slot直接写对应的组件 首次进入会触发A/B/index三个组件的新进入页面相关钩子,再切换到B,不会触发A/B的任何钩子,仅触发index的updated相关钩子, 再切换到A或来回切换,同上不会触发A/B任何钩子,离开页面,触发A/B/index的destroy相关钩子
- 如果lazy设置为ture,且slot直接写对应的组件 首次进入会触发A/index两个组件的新进入页面相关钩子,再切换到B,不会触发A的任何钩子,仅触发index的updated相关钩子以及新进入页面B的钩子, 再切换到A或来回切换,不会触发A/B任何钩子,离开页面,触发A/B/index的destroy相关钩子
- 如果lazy为false,slot里对应的组件用keep-alive包裹 首次进入会触发A/B/index三个组件的新进入页面相关钩子,外加A/B的activated钩子;再切换到B,不会触发A/B的任何钩子,仅触发index的updated相关钩子, 再切换到A或来回切换,同上不会触发A/B任何钩子,离开页面,触发A/B/index的destroy相关钩子以及A/B的deactivated相关钩子
- 如果lazy为true,slot里对应的组件用keep-alive包裹 首次进入会触发A/index两个组件的新进入页面相关钩子,外加A的activated钩子;再切换到B,不会触发A的任何钩子,仅触发index的updated相关钩子以及新进入页面B的钩子外加B的activated钩子, 再切换到A或来回切换,不会触发A/B任何钩子,离开页面,触发A/B/index的destroy相关钩子
- 如果lazy默认为false或者true,给组件加上v-if(或者component)来控制组件显示 和不使用slot,单独在外部用v-if时的钩子保持一致
- 如果lazy默认为false或true,给组件加上v-if(或者component)来控制组件显示,再加上keep-alive 和不使用slot,单独在外部用v-if时的钩子并加上keep-avlie保持一致
综上,el-tabs组件el-tab-pane的slot有好多种情况,会比较混乱,对于需要精准控制tabs组件切换逻辑的场景,个人建议不要使用他的slot,除非你能很明确的知道其钩子函数的执行顺序与逻辑,最好还是仅使用其顶部tab,下面的主内容写在外部,不要写在el-tab-pane内部。其实主要区别是,如果slot里不用v-if控制,首次加载后,A/B来回切换不会触发A/B的任何钩子函数。完整demo参见 el-tabs 切换逻辑demo| github (opens new window)
# keep-alive组件切换显示时,avtivated和created同时触发的问题
# 每次进入页面都需要刷新所有数据
# 首次进入页面请求所有数据,再次切换到该页面时刷新部分数据
另外也可以把所有请求操作都放到created,然后在activated里写再次进入页面时刷新部分数据的逻辑。这种情况,会出现有些接口在首次加载请求两次的问题,怎么解决这个问题呢?你可以在created里设置标记值 alreadyCreated 为true,当进入activated钩子时,只有alreadyCreated为false才执行刷新数据操作。true就不执行,并将alreadyCreated设置为false
参考:选项 / 生命周期钩子 activated | Vue.js (opens new window)
# 2020/06/11 周四
# 手动触发window resize事件,fix改变窗口大小后其他tab页echart图表显示异常的问题
除非每次切tab都重绘图表或者不使用keep-alive每次都刷新页面,才不会有问题。最后想了个方法,每次点击tab手动触发window的resize事件进行重绘,下面是手动触发window resize事件的方法
tabClick(e) {
console.log('tab click', e)
// 触发window的resize事件
this.$nextTick(e => {
let resizeEvent = document.createEvent('Event')
resizeEvent.initEvent('resize', true, true)