# 8. 设置文本样式
# 基本的文本样式
# text-align 文本对齐
- start、left 文本左对齐
- end、right 文本右对齐
- justify 两端对齐,该属性时,可以使用text-justify设置文本添加空白的方式,但只有IE支持。
- center 居中对齐
<meta charset="utf-8">
#p1 {
border: medium double black;
padding: 10px;
background-color: rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.4);
background-clip: content-box;
<p id="p1">
P1 There are lots of different kinds of fruit - there are over 500 varieties
of banana alone. <span>By the time we add the countless</span> type of apples, oranges
and other well-known fruit, we are faced with thousands of choices.
var btns = document.getElementsByTagName("button"),
p1 = document.getElementById("p1"),
len = btns.length,
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
btns[i].onclick = function(e) {
p1.style.textAlign = e.target.innerHTML;
# white-space 处理空白
- normal 默认值,压缩空白,文本行自动换行
- nowarp 压缩空白,不换行
- pre 保留空白,文本只在遇到换行符的时候换行。
- pre-line 压缩空白,文本在一行排满或遇到换行符时换行。
- pre-wrap 不压缩空白,文本在一行排满或遇到换行符时换行。
<meta charset="utf-8">
#p1 {
border: medium double black;
padding: 10px;
background-color: rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.4);
background-clip: content-box;
<p id="p1">
P1 There are lots of different kinds of fruit.
By the time we add the countless type of apples,
we are faced with thousands of choices.
var btns = document.getElementsByTagName("button"),
p1 = document.getElementById("p1"),
len = btns.length,
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
btns[i].onclick = function(e) {
p1.style.whiteSpace = e.target.innerHTML;
# direction 文本方向
direction 设置文本方向,值为 ltr(默认) 或 rtl
<meta charset="utf-8">
p:first-child {
direction: ltr;
p:last-child {
direction: rtl;
This is left-to-right text。
This is right-to-left text。
# 指定字母、单词、行之间的间距
# letter-spacing 字母之间间距
# word-spacing 单词之间间距
# line-height 行高
<meta charset="utf-8">
p {
padding: 10px;
border: thin double black;
background-color: lightgray;
background-clip: content-box;
#p2 {
letter-spacing: 10px;
#p3 {
word-spacing: 10px;
#p4 {
line-height: 2em;
<p id="p1">
P1 There are lots of different kinds of fruit - there are over 500 varieties
of banana alone. <span>By the time we add the countless</span> type of apples, oranges
and other well-known fruit, we are faced with thousands of choices.
<p id="p2">
P1 There are lots of different kinds of fruit - there are over 500 varieties
of banana alone. <span>By the time we add the countless</span> type of apples, oranges
and other well-known fruit, we are faced with thousands of choices.
<p id="p3">
P1 There are lots of different kinds of fruit - there are over 500 varieties
of banana alone. <span>By the time we add the countless</span> type of apples, oranges
and other well-known fruit, we are faced with thousands of choices.
<p id="p4">
P1 There are lots of different kinds of fruit - there are over 500 varieties
of banana alone. <span>By the time we add the countless</span> type of apples, oranges
and other well-known fruit, we are faced with thousands of choices.
# word-wrap 溢出文本断行
- normal 默认,单词不断开,即使无法完全放入包含块。
- break-word 断开单词,使其放入包含块。
<meta charset="utf-8">
p {
width: 100px;
border: medium double black;
p:last-child {
word-wrap: break-word;
This is lefttorightabcdefghijkmn text。
This is lefttorightabcdefghijkmn text。
# text-indent 首行缩进
<meta charset="utf-8">
p {
width: 300px;
text-indent: 2em; /* 文本首行缩进 */
border: medium double black;
background-color: rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.3);
background-clip: content-box;
There are lots of different kinds of fruit - there are over 500 varieties
of banana alone. <span>By the time we add the countless</span> type of apples, oranges
and other well-known fruit, we are faced with thousands of choices.
# 文本装饰与大小写转换
# text-decoration 文本装饰
text-decoration 为文本块应用装饰效果
- none 不使用任何装饰效果
- underline 文本顶部划线
- overline 下划线
- line-through 删除线
- blink 闪烁,浏览器基本不支持
<meta charset="utf-8">
p:nth-child(1) { text-decoration: none; }
p:nth-child(2) { text-decoration: overline; }
p:nth-child(3) { text-decoration: underline; }
p:nth-child(4) { text-decoration: line-through; }
p:nth-child(5) { text-decoration: blink; }
<p>There are lots of different kinds of fruit.</p>
<p>There are lots of different kinds of fruit.</p>
<p>There are lots of different kinds of fruit.</p>
<p>There are lots of different kinds of fruit.</p>
<p>There are lots of different kinds of fruit.</p>
# text-transform 大小写转换
- none 默认,不进行转换
- capitalize 首字母大写
- uppercase 全部大写
- lowercase 全部小写
<meta charset="utf-8">
p:nth-child(1) { text-transform: none; }
p:nth-child(2) { text-transform: capitalize; }
p:nth-child(3) { text-transform: uppercase; }
p:nth-child(4) { text-transform: lowercase; }
<p>there are lots of DIFFERENT kinds of fruit.</p>
<p>there are lots of DIFFERENT kinds of fruit.</p>
<p>there are lots of DIFFERENT kinds of fruit.</p>
<p>there are lots of DIFFERENT kinds of fruit.</p>
# text-shadow 文本阴影
text-shadow 为文本块应用阴影,值为 h-shadow v-shadow blur color
- h-shadow, v-shadow 阴影水平、垂直偏移
- blur 一个长度值,阴影的模糊程度
- color 阴影颜色
<meta charset="utf-8">
p:nth-child(2) {
text-shadow: 5px 5px 10px red;
p:nth-child(3) {
text-shadow: 0 0 10px blue;
<p>there are lots of DIFFERENT kinds of fruit.</p>
<p>there are lots of DIFFERENT kinds of fruit.</p>
<p>there are lots of DIFFERENT kinds of fruit.</p>
# 使用字体
# font-family 选择字体
- serif
- sans-serif
- cursive
- faantasy
- monospace
<meta charset="utf-8">
p:nth-child(2) { font-family: serif; }
p:nth-child(3) { font-family: sans-serif; }
p:nth-child(4) { font-family: cursive; }
p:nth-child(5) { font-family: fantasy; }
p:nth-child(6) { font-family: monospace; }
<p>默认: This is left-to-right text。这是一段从左到右显示的文本。</p>
<p>serif: This is left-to-right text。这是一段从左到右显示的文本。</p>
<p>sans-serif: This is left-to-right text。这是一段从左到右显示的文本。</p>
<p>cursive: This is left-to-right text。这是一段从左到右显示的文本。</p>
<p>fantasy: This is left-to-right text。这是一段从左到右显示的文本。</p>
<p>monospace: This is left-to-right text。这是一段从左到右显示的文本。</p>
# font-size 字体大小
Chrome默认字体16px, medium
<meta charset="utf-8">
p:nth-child(2) { font-size:xx-small }
p:nth-child(3) { font-size:x-small }
p:nth-child(4) { font-size:small }
p:nth-child(5) { font-size:medium }
p:nth-child(6) { font-size:large }
p:nth-child(7) { font-size:x-large }
p:nth-child(8) { font-size:xx-large }
p:nth-child(9) { font-size:smaller }
p:nth-child(10) { font-size:larger }
p:nth-child(11) { font-size:16px; }
<p>This is left-to-right text。这是一段从左到右显示的文本。</p>
<p>This is left-to-right text。这是一段从左到右显示的文本。</p>
<p>This is left-to-right text。这是一段从左到右显示的文本。</p>
<p>This is left-to-right text。这是一段从左到右显示的文本。</p>
<p>This is left-to-right text。这是一段从左到右显示的文本。</p>
<p>This is left-to-right text。这是一段从左到右显示的文本。</p>
<p>This is left-to-right text。这是一段从左到右显示的文本。</p>
<p>This is left-to-right text。这是一段从左到右显示的文本。</p>
<p>This is left-to-right text。这是一段从左到右显示的文本。</p>
<p>This is left-to-right text。这是一段从左到右显示的文本。</p>
<p>This is left-to-right text。这是一段从左到右显示的文本。</p>
# font-weight 设置字体粗细
- lighter, 100, 200, 300 细字体
- normal, 400, 500 普通
- bold, bolder, 600, 700, 800, 900 粗字体
<meta charset="utf-8">
p:nth-child(2) { font-weight: lighter }
p:nth-child(3) { font-weight: normal }
p:nth-child(4) { font-weight: bold }
p:nth-child(5) { font-weight: bolder }
p:nth-child(6) { font-weight: 100 }
p:nth-child(7) { font-weight: 200 }
p:nth-child(8) { font-weight: 300 }
p:nth-child(9) { font-weight: 400 }
p:nth-child(10) { font-weight: 500 }
p:nth-child(11) { font-weight: 600; }
p:nth-child(12) { font-weight: 700; }
p:nth-child(13) { font-weight: 800; }
p:nth-child(14) { font-weight: 900; }
<p>默认:This is left-to-right text。这是一段从左到右显示的文本。</p>
<p>lighter:This is left-to-right text。这是一段从左到右显示的文本。</p>
<p>normal:This is left-to-right text。这是一段从左到右显示的文本。</p>
<p>bold:This is left-to-right text。这是一段从左到右显示的文本。</p>
<p>bolder:This is left-to-right text。这是一段从左到右显示的文本。</p>
<p>100:This is left-to-right text。这是一段从左到右显示的文本。</p>
<p>200:This is left-to-right text。这是一段从左到右显示的文本。</p>
<p>300:This is left-to-right text。这是一段从左到右显示的文本。</p>
<p>400:This is left-to-right text。这是一段从左到右显示的文本。</p>
<p>500:This is left-to-right text。这是一段从左到右显示的文本。</p>
<p>600:This is left-to-right text。这是一段从左到右显示的文本。</p>
<p>700:This is left-to-right text。这是一段从左到右显示的文本。</p>
<p>800:This is left-to-right text。这是一段从左到右显示的文本。</p>
<p>900:This is left-to-right text。这是一段从左到右显示的文本。</p>
# font-style 字体样式
- normal 普通
- italic 斜体
- oblique /ə'bliːk/ 倾斜
- inhrit 从父元素继承
<meta charset="utf-8">
p:nth-child(1) { font-style: normal; }
p:nth-child(2) { font-style: italic; }
p:nth-child(3) { font-style: oblique; }
<p>There are lots of different kinds of fruit.</p>
<p>There are lots of different kinds of fruit.</p>
<p>There are lots of different kinds of fruit.</p>
# @font-face 使用web字体
@font-face 可以从网络上获取安装字体,并使用。 免费字体下载 (opens new window)
<meta charset="utf-8">
@font-face {
font-family: 'MyFont';
src: url('actionj.ttf');
@font-face {
font-family: 'antibiotech';
src: url('antibiotech.ttf');
#p1 {
font-family: MyFont;
font-size: 35px;
#p2 {
font-family: antibiotech;
font-size: 35px;
<p id="p1">There are lots of different kinds of fruit. 这是一段文本</p>
<p id="p2">There are lots of different kinds of fruit. 这是一段文本</p>
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